This production, a new work by playwright Keziah Warner and directed by Bridget Balodis at Malthouse's Merlyn Theatre, featured Shamita Siva in the role of 'Ellen'. Nosferatu presented a thrilling challenge from start to finish, enhanced by Romanie Harper’s stunning stage design—a delight to engage with every evening.

This performance marked Shamita's debut on the mainstage at Malthouse Theatre, an experience she describes as an absolute pleasure.

“Siva taps into a determined steeliness particularly in the second half, cutting to the journalist’s noble mission for truth and justice – then she switches up, revealing that even the righteous can crack in the fight for power.”

“Shamita Siva, acting as the driven local journalist that becomes the apple of Orlock’s eye, gives their character a hard demeanour amidst a well-cultivated softness: the audience wonder what they may or may not do throughout the play."


Mara Korper